Monday, May 22, 2006

Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone

My parents used to lived in Nelson Township for about 7 years. It's located in between Middlefield and Garrettsville. I lived with them while I went to grad school so I was the official "tour guide" on Saturday when friends and I went for a field trip.

Our three destinations were -

1. A plant sale at a farm called Herb Thyme (I found out about the sale on the food forum)

There were about 100 different varieties of tomatoes to choose from. My friend Erin (she lives downstairs from me) and I decided to get:

white -
Cream Sausage
cherry - Yellow Pear
red - Elberta Girl
pink - Julia Child
purple - Japanese Black Trifele
stripe - Mr. Stripey

Sweet Basil
Dark Opal Basil


2. Middlefield Cheese House

I purchased noodles, cheese cubes, port wine cheese spread, a muffin mix corn meal and a cook book.

3. Garrettsville City Garage Sale

My finds included a mason jar, Stuckey's coffee mug and picnic basket.

A seller gave my friend this scary bunny that somehow ended up in our stairwell!

Later that day we went to Rosby's and bought some additional plants - dill, rosemary, cilantro, flat leaf parsley, marigolds & sunflowers. We finished planting everything that night and now it all sits in our driveway.


Sourire11 said...

your plants look great!!! I can't wait to hear about all of the fun things you'll make with them... I'm going to have a ton of basil, too so I've been scoping out pesto recipies online...

I'm still working on getting all of my veggies and herbs planted because I can't stop buying plants!

Jean said...

Great blog thanks for posting this